Not very funny
You spent 5 minutes on one joke. And it wasn't even a funny one.
Not very funny
You spent 5 minutes on one joke. And it wasn't even a funny one.
Stupid yet unspeakably brilliant.
excellent point... i'll note that when the time comes around for your bonus...
Pretty Funny
That's about as good as potty humor gets, which is pretty dang good actually. I thought the tune sounded sort of like Misguided Angel by the Cowboy Junkies. But I might be imagining things. Anyway great job.
Needs more story
I'm I the only one who got a a couple of seconds of nothing but black? This looks like it's incomplete and maybe you just needed a pat on the back to keep going. If that's the case consider your back patted. I really like your style. Just make some sense out of this and it will be awesome.
Yeah there was 10 secs of black, I HATED that too, but my folks ere gonna shut of my comp, and I just had to submit it. Thanks for the patting on the back, Im glad you like my style.
Stylish But Incomplete
I've been sitting here pondering whether or not this is supposed to leave questions unanswered. And I think some of them might be left unresolved because for some reason the answers just got left out. If you take a close look at both panels it seems that two kids are sent out of the basement (or maybe they're in different basments). Who's the other kid? Why are they so pale? Why are they in the basement? Who's telling them to leave? Why?
Stuff like this doesn't strike me as an unimportant McGuffin. This is pretty vital background material. I get the feeling that there were some opening scenes that got cut out, possibly because they couldn't be matched up with the score.
Still you've acheived a nice atmosphere here. What's there is very well put together, I just wish there was more of it.
Wow. That's just incredibly well done.
Funny but bad sound
Great stuff. Dustin Checks Out and Robot Jesus were especially funny. The sound was bad though.
Age 48
Sacramento, Ca
Joined on 2/23/04